Turn Style Legs Table
Several weeks ago I had the privilege of building my first table with removable legs for some friends. It was also the first table that I built with turn-stye legs (except for the table that I used retrofitted bedposts as legs). Unfortunately, I was in a hurry to get this one built so I didn’t document as well as I would have liked…..but feel free to ask questions if you’re interested. The next time around, I’ll get some more pictures. The basics is that you start by building the tabletop the exact same way that I build the tabletop on the farmhouse table. Once the tabletop is built, you need to attach the base frame to the tabletop. It’s similar to the farmhouse table except you’re doing everything upside down and I also use extra corner bracing. To attach the legs to the table, I used metal kerf mounted corner brackets (similar to these) and bolts. Here’s how it looked built and flipped up right.
I then took it all apart for staining/sealing. I followed the same stain/sealing process that I’ve been using lately. In essence; pre-stain wood conditioner, two coats of stain (Early American on this one), one coat of sanding sealer, sanding with 220 grit, 4-6 coats of General Arm-R-Seal (I use semi-gloss), sand with 220 grit before final coat, one last final coat of Arm-R-Seal.
Here’s how it turned out;
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