Wooden Floor Lamp
A couple days after Christmas I received this message from Ellie;
With a price tag of $139.99, we thought we could create something similar for less.
I started by ripping a 2×4″ down to two 1.5 x 1.5″ strips.
I then used my router table to create a channel for the wiring to go in. The one thing that I noticed about the World Market lamp that I didn’t like was that the electrical wiring was exposed.
At the joint where the two pieces would meet, I dried a hole half-way through from both sides to create a tunnel to run the wire through.
It was all prepped and ready for wiring. I ran the wire through and then took thin strips of wood to cover up the wire. I used wood glue, a bunch of clamps, and my finish nailer to join it all together.
Once those were complete, I began to work on the base. I mapped out a small square off-center and a couple inches away from the edge. I drilled a couple of holes to allow for my jig saw to get through.
With the hole in the base, the pole was stable enough to stand by itself.
The World Market one had a single base, but I wanted a double base for added stability as well as a place to run the wire out. I used the router table again to run a channel for the wire. I attached the two pieces of the base together with wood glue and some screws.
To clean up the bottom a little, I added some small pieces of trim.
We liked the look of the natural wood, but it wasn’t quite jiving with the rest of our living room, so I slapped some Early American stain onto it as well as a couple coats of poly. I took some pictures at night but they didn’t turn out to well…..I might need to update it when we get some good natural lighting in the room.
It turned out OK……I’ve got two other floor lamps that I could disassemble and build into something like this if you’re interested. Just let me know.
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