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Who Wants a Table?

I’ve been overwhelmingly encouraged by seeing how many times are table has been “pinned,” and “repinned,” on pinterest. We entered a facebook contest and were so humbled to have made it as a top 5 finalist along with some other extremely talented designers/decorators. Perfectly honest, we were really bummed to not have won the first place prize of $2500. Also TBH, we were extremely excited to win the runner-up prize of $200. Ellie spent her $100 on clothes for work and I spent my $100 on sandpaper, lumber, and sponge brushes…..yup, we are that exciting. After the contest we were included as a guest blogger for . It’s an awesome blog and you should check it out!

You can imagine my surprise in the next couple days as I was perusing Pinterest and the “everything,” category and started seeing a table that looked exactly like ours. It looked identical because it was in fact our dining room table. It’s been such a blessing for us to read all the positive comments and it’s been especially satisfying for me to see others appreciation of something that I put a lot of hard work into. The table is completely unique, hand-made, heavy, sturdy, rustic yet with a stained finish to compliment other decor, and there is no other table that is exactly like it. It’s a table that has a character all of it’s own.

All that being said…..I’ve started to build these tables for others. Custom to your dimensions, your likes, your dislikes, your finish/stain, etc. My time is extremely limited now-a-days but I typically can work on some projects around the house over the weekend for several hours at a time. So…..if you’re interested in your very own custom built table, you live close to Richmond, VA, and if you allow me ample time to create your masterpiece, shoot me an email to discuss the details;

As always, if you’re up for the DIY experience feel free to shoot me a comment or email with specific questions. I’d love to help you out along the way the best that I can.

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